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Welcome to the beautiful journey of breastfeeding, nature’s way to nourish your baby. Breastfeeding may be normal and natural, but it is also a skill that you and your little one learn together. In most cases, the breastfeeding experience is joyful and successful, but occasionally, unique challenges can arise that would benefit from peer or professional guidance.

Each mother-baby pair is unique, and so are the joys and the hurdles you might encounter. International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) are the most highly accredited healthcare professionals specialising in lactation, and many of our members offer their expertise in lactation education and support, either through private practice or as part of the HSE maternity and public health systems.

To make your parenting journey as informed and confident as possible, we've curated a set of essential resources for you.

Explore the 'Find Lactation Consultant in Private Practice' to connect with private IBCLC providers, or discover 'Find HSE Breastfeeding Services Near Me' for those services closest to you.